How define Lagging factors

                  This category involve serious issue In which accidental event lead to some type of death of person. Which is very worse for employer and lead to zero safe man hours.  

Loss time injury (LTI)
                                                     Loss time injury is a systematic term in which a person face to productive time loss during job and not able to perform their duty properly. It consider when a person not came back to work before 24 hours. And our safe man hours returned to start point again.

Medical treatment case (MTC)
                                                                          In this category a physician or a medical personnel  treatment involve for injured person it also involve in illness or some type of disease and in this type person may come to work after treatment before 24 hours.

Work restricted injury
                                                     If a worker injured and get some type of treatment and start their work again before 24 hour but its ability of work may affected due to injury called work restricted injury. This case deal with minor type of injury.

First aid case
                                In the first aid case some minor injury involved and some trained first aider give support it is a little bit or non-technical method in which simple treatment required. And worker may go for work again after treatment.

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