General Safety rules



Here are some overall general safety tips.

·        Buckle up before you start driving. Keep your seatbelt buckled at all times, and follow speed limits.

·        Ladders can lead to significant injuries, use them safely

·        Wear proper footwear to prevent slips, trips & falls.

·        Keep your spaces clean and tidy to make a healthy environment.

·        Avoid using cruise control in poor weather conditions.

·        Across the road from the designated place and follow traffic signals.

·        Enjoy your social events but don't drink to save your health.

·        Make time for healthy food choices from a busy routine.

·        When cleaning up, be sure to read product labels carefully.

·        Watch for students in school zones.

·        Drive safely in challenging conditions like rain and fog.

·        When walking in the evenings or nights, be seen. Wear reflective clothing.

·        When you are near schools, be aware of increased pedestrian traffic.

·        Keep kids safe. Use appropriate child car seats in your vehicle.

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